Persistence Is Key


Hannah Lopa, the current Miss New York 2017, competed seven times before winning her title.

Steven Spielberg was rejected from three film schools.

Elvis Presley was fired after his first performance. He was told he was better off sticking to his day job.

Marilyn Monroe was told by modeling agencies that she would be better off as a secretary.

There is no success without a little failure first. 

Life is unpredictable and difficult and most of the time things we plan don’t work out the way we think they should. But that’s just life! There’s a bigger plan out there and we have no idea what it has in store despite how disappointing our failures or setbacks may be.

Conquer failure with persistence. The whole point of setback or failure is learning how to keep yourself moving on to bigger and greater things!

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.” – Albert Einstein 

Where would we be if Walt Disney listened to all the studios who told him he lacked imagination? Failure is not final. I’m an actress, I’ve been rejected by directors more times than can count. And that’s okay, that doesn’t make me a bad actor it just means at the time I wasn’t right for the role and that something better would come along, I just had to keep trying.

You never truly fail until you stop trying. 

When one door closes another one opens. I know that’s cheesy but it’s incredibly true. You never know what amazing opportunity is waiting for you, all you have to do is pursue it.

Let setbacks and failure strengthen your passion and drive to succeed and pursue your goals.

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